Tuesday, June 18, 2013

30 Day Briefing!

Hey guys! So i'm back with another post! Although the title says 30 day briefing, i'm actually at 34 days til i ship out. It's crazy to think that one more month and i'll be in basic training getting yelled at by a TI an inch away from my face! It hasn't hit me yet but i am getting more excited everyday.

I had my last day at work on sunday June 16th. They bought me a going away cake with little army men on it. They tried to find something with planes but no luck. It's the thought that counts. As my last day came to a close, I started saying my goodbyes to my favorite people. I felt like the waterworks were about to start but i was able to hold it in. That is until the last 5 minutes, right before I walked out the door. A few tears fell but only a few people saw! Now I can really focus on working out for basic training. And i'm going to LIVE in the gym this next month til I leave!

Anyways, back to the title of this post! I went to see my recruiter for my 30 day briefing a few hours ago. It wasn't anything special. I weighed in and signed the same papers like before. This time I did receive my visitor access form, direct deposit form and a packing list. I need to start packing my bag for basic and for tech school ASAP. There's sooo much to do before I ship out. Doesn't seem like enough time. I am the Queen of procrastination but i will do my best! My 15 day briefing is on July 2nd. So i guess that's when my next post will be, unless something great happens and I can't wait to write it! Talk to you then!